Well, I don't know how many people evaluate the designs that are sent, however, if there are few, when this site grows and many people start to use it, it may become difficult to evaluate everything in a timely manner, besides, there are not so many information about who will review the designs and their qualifications, so one way around this would be to have a public gallery on the home page, something similar to the Pinterest gallery, where people who participate can see and rate other people's designs (just likes and dislikes), while Guests would only be able to see the published designs, so being able to see that they are designs made by real people, this could encourage them to participate as well.
During a period, for example 30 days, the 10 designs that had the most likes in the previous month would be highlighted at the top of this gallery, this would serve to help promote those designers, in this case, social networks and even contact options could be linked or not when submitting designs, and this information would only be public if the designer is in the top 10.